
Helping you on Life's Financial Journey


An update for our SME clients and for those with responsibility for running your company’s pension scheme about the introduction of new EU legislation – IORPS II – and the impact that this new legislation will have on the future governance and management of defined contribution pension schemes..  If you are looking for information on…
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Christmas 2021

As the festive season is now upon us once again, we would like to wish all our members, clients and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  As we celebrated our 12th anniversary recently, we thank you once more for your continued support during 2021, for your referrals and your kind comments during another extraordinary year…
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The Eolas Money Spending Plan

Financial Planning is about aligning your finances to your objectives. To do that properly, your starting point is to understand the way you spend money at present and what it takes to maintain your current lifestyle.    To see what the spending picture looks like for you, please do the following: Complete the Monthly Income…
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Local Property Tax 2022 – What You Need To Do!

Hi Everyone, a short video from Jim discussing the Local Property Tax and what you need to do for the period 2022 – 2025. If you have any questions, contact us and we’ll get back to you.  

The Value of Financial Advice

In May 2021, Brokers Ireland commissioned iReach to conduct consumer research in relation to the value of financial advice. The research was nationally representative by age, gender, region, and socioeconomic status. It provides insights into savings/ investments, pensions, financial security, and the role of financial advisors. Using a Financial Advisor:  From those surveyed, 37% had…
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Eolas Money Providing Greater Engagement Options for Members of Company Pension Schemes:

Research has shown that members achieve greater success and retirement fund outcomes when regular engagement is undertaken between the member and their retirement planning advisors. Therefore, Eolas Money has introduced our Eolas Engage App so that members don’t need to wait until their annual review meeting to take any actions or pose question to us…
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Protecting Your Most Valuable Financial Asset – Your Income!

Did you know…Just over 1 in 10 people have some form of income protection!   If we were unable to work due to illness or disability, we wouldn’t rely on the State Illness benefit as our main source of income! Would you?? And how long do you think your savings would last you!   So…
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Eolas Engage App

Eolas Engage App

Over the coming weeks, Eolas Money are delighted to be rolling out our new Eolas Engage App to members of company pension schemes that we are advisors to. This new app will allow members to engage directly with us with any pension or general financial planning query at any time during the year, not just…
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Cashflow Modelling Image

What is Cashflow Modelling and how can Eolas Money help you?

Cashflow modelling is a vital part of the financial planning process completed with the aim of achieving financial goals, such as repaying your mortgage, buying a holiday home, paying for school and university fees and being able to retire when you want to. It is also important that you have sufficient funds for emergencies to…
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Financial Planning for Business Owners

At Eolas Money, we want to help business owners make the correct financial planning decisions for themselves, their families & their businesses, now and into the future. As an established Financial Planning practice, Eolas Money has worked with business owners for well over a decade to craft and implement robust financial plans and business strategies…
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