Financial Planning with cashflow modelling allows Eolas Money to assess your current and forecasted financial futures by taking into consideration all your household incomes and expenditures to create a detailed forecast of your household’s finances now and in the future.
Most households are unsure about how far their existing financial planning arrangements will go towards their desired financial objectives and lifestyles. A cashflow model is based on your households’ incomes and expenditures, assets, investments and debts, projected forward year by year using assumed growth rates, incomes, inflation, and interest rates.
To avail of a Financial Planning & Cashflow Modelling Assessment, Eolas Money applies a fee commencing from €800+VAT and this will enable us to:
- Outline your households current incomes and model these to your retirement date, while modelling your various post retirement incomes from retirement onwards.
- Analyze your households monthly and annual expenditures and model these expenses to your retirement date and beyond.
- Provide a clear and detailed assessment of your existing financial planning arrangements and model these to your retirement date and beyond,
- We will prepare various cashflow models based on your specific life plans,
- Estimate future cashflows based on realistic assumptions aligned to your risk tolerance,
- Cashflow modelling allows you to plan for your future year with confidence throughout the various stages of post working life.