How Do I Benefit From a Savings & Investments Review?
Your Savings & Investment Review is designed to:
- To provide you with an overview of your existing savings objectives
- Completion of a full risk profile questionnaire in order to assess your risk tolerance compared the risk rating of your existing savings/investment plans
- Assessing fees & charges & their impact on your savings/investment funds
- Assessing your existing savings/investment plans with a view to minimizing any tax liability on your investment growth,
Following completion of your Savings & Investments Review, you will have:
- Identified your Savings & Investment goals and objectives,
- Have a clear understanding of your existing Savings & Investment products (if any),
- Have a full understating of the risks associated with investing your money.
- Confirmed the benefits and value of your existing Savings & Investment products and their ability to help you fulfil your savings goals & objectives
To estimate the cost of sending your child/children to college, input their details into our Cost of College Calculator HERE
To avail of a Savings & Investments Review, Eolas Money applies a fee commencing from €800 plus Vat which facilitates:
- Discussing your overall savings & investment goals and objectives,
- Assessing your attitude to investment risk,
- Preparing your Savings & Investment Report,
- Presenting your Savings & Investment Report to you.
To find out more or to organise your Savings & Investments Review contact us
Eolas Money Management Ltd, T/A Eolas Money is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered in Ireland, registration number 478055. Directors: Brendan Reilly & Jim Stapleton Registered address: Ard Gaoithe Commercial Centre, Cashel Road, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary