Financial Planning is about aligning your finances to your objectives. To do that properly, your starting point is to understand the way you spend money at present and what it takes to maintain your current lifestyle.
To see what your spending picture looks like, please download our Spending Plan and follow the below steps:
- Complete the Monthly Income tab with your regular monthly incomes,
- Complete the Monthly Spending tab with your regular monthly expenses – these are the expenses that arise within your household every month.
- Complete the Annual Spending tab with Annual Expenses, which are the expenses that arise over the course of the year, but are not incurred every month.
- Click on the Spending Overview tab which will show you if you have a monthly Surplus or Deficit in your spending!
- The Overview Chart depicts the areas that you spend the most of your monthly income on.
If you have a deficit, then work will be needed to reduce spending or increase income. If you have a surplus, fantastic, now it’s about deciding how best to use that surplus to help you achieve your financial goals.
If you want help understanding what to do next when you have completed your spending plan, or with implementing a banking structure that matches your spending, please contact us.
Fee for Helping You Prepare Your Household Spending Plan:
To avail of a Banking & Budgeting Review and preparation of your Household Spending Plan, a fee commencing from €800 plus VAT applies which facilitates:
- Discussing your current approach to your Banking and Budgeting,
- Identifying the changes you need to make to improve this are of your personal finances,
- Preparing your Banking and Budgeting report and proposed new Spending Plan structure for you,
- Inputting the details into our Cashflow Modelling software and showing you the long term benefits of your spending plan details.
To find out more or to discuss your Household Spending Plan contact us.
Eolas Money Management Ltd, T/A Eolas Money is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered in Ireland, registration number 478055. Directors: Brendan Reilly & Jim Stapleton Registered address: Ard Gaoithe Commercial Centre, Cashel Road, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary