Illness – Eolas Money

Category: Illness

Helping you on Life's Financial Journey

The Value of Financial Advice

In May 2021, Brokers Ireland commissioned iReach to conduct consumer research in relation to the value of financial advice. The research was nationally representative by age, gender, region, and socioeconomic status. It provides insights into savings/ investments, pensions, financial security, and the role of financial advisors. Using a Financial Advisor:  From those surveyed, 37% had…
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Protecting Your Most Valuable Financial Asset – Your Income!

Did you know…Just over 1 in 10 people have some form of income protection!   If we were unable to work due to illness or disability, we wouldn’t rely on the State Illness benefit as our main source of income! Would you?? And how long do you think your savings would last you!   So…
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Financial impact of serious illness

What if I get a serious illness?

We were asked the following question recently by a client in his mid 40’s – “what are the chances of me getting a serious illness versus dieing”. Well the attached info graphic explains the answer very well for him. A male is 4 times more likely to suffer a serious illness before the age of…
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Life assurance companies publish their claim statistics

Its that time of year when life assurance companies publish their claim statistics and here are some interesting details from Zurich Life’s 2019 death & serious illness cover claim statistics. In relation to serious illness claims, heart related illnesses account for 31% of male claims and yet for females, it was only 3%. At Zurich,…
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